How Strange You Bear A Resemblance To This Character In My Story…

















“How have both the people in your life and your own personal experiences impacted your writing? Do you ever base characters off of people you know?”

Heck yes.

I sometimes even write stories about them. For example, last year in Creative Writing Class (awesome, right?) I wrote a pathetic story about Justin Bieber and his minions kidnapping my teacher and making her work for them in their drug dealership. (Don’t even try to argue, it stinks, which is why I recycled it.)

I also have another story I really like about me and shonti where we assume our false aliases and wreak havoc. It’s quite a good story, and very fun to write, too.

And there are a few others where I write about my family (there’s one about my mom the giraffe who hates mush and opens a cooking restaurant for example) that are really fun to write because usually I can poke fun at them and they don’t mind because I’m kidding. That’s what I did for Christmas presents last year. They were fabulous.

Not many personal experiences of mine have found a way into my stories, mostly because my brain comes up with much better things, like for example, “once upon a time there was a duct tape man and he was evil because he crept into people’s homes and tied them up with duct tape” and yes, I came up with that on the spot.

Wow, this prompt is actually really hard, John. I don’t mind much though because it’s making me think and that’s probably a good thing over summer break.

Sometimes when I write, I mix a bunch of people I know together and get an entirely new person, which is a lot of fun and I really like doing that. Plus, they don’t know you’re writing about them (which is sometimes a good thing.) (And sometimes a bad thing.) Obviously, you’d tell them if you wanted them to know though.

Sometimes I even use people I know’s names. This is usually because I really like their names, although sometimes it’s not. *cue evil laughter* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Not many experiences (because usually I want to go where my characters go, although not in the case of Fluffy the Frog. By the way, his life stank. I kind of killed off his wife and family, but it’s okay because he got Lord Voldemort to reincarnate her.)

But lots of people, I guess that’s the way I like it.

Now go forth and read the other participant’s posts.

5th –

6th –

7th –

8th –

9th –

10th –

11th –

12th –

13th –

14th –

15th –

16th –

17th –

18th –

19th –

20th –

21st –

22nd –

23rd –

24th –

25th –

26th – (We’ll be announcing the topic for next month’s chain.)

I Try The 100 Word 100 Day Blog Challenge

I found this meme the other day and it was really interesting (I thought!) so I’ve decided to try it. Apparently what you do is write down a list of 100 random words and then in the next 100 days you write a post about one of the 100 words. This is going to be……interesting.

My list of 100 words for the next 100 days(I hope!):

  1. Pancakes
  2. Snowmen
  3. Australia
  4. Cereal
  5. Curtains
  6. Fish
  7. Jaws
  8. Hippos
  9. Balloons
  10. Peppermint
  11. Semi
  12. Fern
  13. Burrs
  14. Royalty
  15. Headphones
  16. Ketchup
  17. McGonagall
  18. Deer
  19. Plugs
  20. Beachball
  21. Pinecone
  22. Door
  23. Window
  24. Rootbeer
  25. Plates
  26. Floorboards
  27. Baskets
  28. Watercolors
  29. Cheese
  30. Packers
  31. Popcorn
  32. Lights
  33. Three
  34. Traditional
  35. Surgeon
  36. Knives
  37. Kitchen
  38. Wood
  39. Chicken
  40. Toenail
  41. Flint
  42. Lava
  43. Offices
  44. Blue
  45. Doorknobs
  46. Indonesia
  47. Radio
  48. Pickles
  49. Tissue
  50. Lotion
  51. Ice
  52. Milkshakes
  53. Garbage
  54. Driveway
  55. Porch
  56. Grass
  57. Happy
  58. Marbles
  59. Candle
  60. Barn
  61. T.V.
  62. Paint
  63. Peacocks
  64. Fuzzy
  65. Yuck
  66. Cardinal
  67. Pepsi
  68. Straw
  69. Envelope
  70. Island
  71. Cows
  72. Milk
  73. Fireplaces
  74. Trees
  75. Forks
  76. Orange
  77. Bread
  78. Square
  79. Frogs
  80. Tarp
  81. Leaves
  82. Tulips
  83. Submarine
  84. Pop
  85. Sticks
  86. Arrows
  87. Willow
  88. Ugly
  89. Fancy
  90. Stairs
  91. Knots
  92. Glasses
  93. Knuckles
  94. Sandwich
  95. Cupcakes
  96. Yellow
  97. Movies
  98. California
  99. Surfing
  100. Confetti

That took a while to write, but I think it was worth it. It’ll be interesting to see if I remember to do this every day. I probably won’t but who cares? This proves to be a very…….. interesting……meme.

The Sad Story Of Fluffy The Frog: Book #1

In Creative Writing in school last week, yours truly wrote a book that is surpassing all expectation. This book? None other than….

The Sad Story Of Fluffy The Frog.

I’ve decided to tell you about it, one, because I totally love it, two, because I want to hear what you think about it, and three, a good many of you are doing NaNoWriMo, so you’ll enjoy this.

So here goes. Because I can’t find out how to scan the pages onto the computer, (such a smarty-pants I am), I’ve just redrawn the pictures in Microsoft Word and uploaded them here. I hope you love it to pieces!

Title: The Sad Story of Fluffy The Frog.

Page 1: One day Fluffy was sitting outside in the rain.

Page 2: Then a lightning bolt hit him and he died.

The end!



I’m so sadistic, cruel and uncaring, yes, I know.

P.S. It’s a trilogy, so that means there’s two more to come! Mwahahaha! >:)

So what did you think? Please let me know! I MUST HEAR YOUR REACTION! 🙂

Inside The Junk Drawer’s First Blogoversary! :D

Well, today is Inside The Junk Drawer’s first birthday!

Welcome to the party. We have chocolate cake, fruit punch, and vanilla ice cream.

It seems a lot of the blogs I follow/read/really like have all had blogoversaries lately. (Well, maybe not all of them. But a lot!)

I remember just setting this blog up. I wanted another blog where I could just write about anything. I thought it would be fun! I was right! 😀 I had a hard time finding a good URL, though. I finally settled on, hoping my readers could spell it. The title, subtitle, and widgets have changed over the one year that I’ve been here. I think the title has gone over seven changes. The theme changes number at least over twenty. I do enjoy playing with those themes. 🙂

Last year, I was an inexperienced blogger, and not officially a “teen” yet. You can tell I had a hard time finding stuff to blog about. Look here and here. You are free to laugh-I did. (Gosh, I was downright terrible!) You can tell that I had no idea what, how, or when, or where to blog. Hopefully, you think I’m better than I was a year ago. I remember writing that second post. It was my first official post, and I really didn’t want to watch the show, so I said to myself, “Oh, I’ll just blog instead!”

I really enjoy hitting the “Publish” button and knowing my work is out soaring through the Internet, reaching the 22 subscribers I have garnered through one year. I know that a few of those readers and subscribers will read it. They will like it. They might comment. I’ve got a goal for Inside The Junk Drawer’s second year in existence. Comment more! I know a few other bloggers have done it, Miriam Joy and nevillegirl for starters. It’s easy and makes me feel happy. So please try. If we all commented more, the blogosphere would be a happy place with lots of comments. The more, the better! 😀


Enough rambling. Here come the thank-yous, in no particular order.

  1. To wreakinghavoc14, for being my first subscriber. I hope you’re not drowning in high-school homework. Here’s a robot to do your homework for you.
  2. To Nerdygirl98, for leading me into the wonderful world of TCWT. Here is a lifetime supply of patterned duct tape for you.
  3. To Teens Can Write, Too! for teaching me that teens can write, too! And creating the blog chain, which is a monthly part of my life. Here’s a paragraph about you: TCWT is AWESOME. I love TCWT. I have no idea where in my writing life I would be without TCWT.
  4. To Allegra Davis and John Hansen, for hosting TCWT, at one point or another, and for both having awesome writerly blogs. Here’s a box of writerly awesomeness for you both.
  5. To Shonti, for being one of the few people I know in real life with to read this blog, and for co-hosting Brains! with me and putting up with my weirdness. Here’s a giant box of Hunger Games stuff for you.
  6. To nevillegirl, for making me laugh with your awesomeness/weirdness/writing. I like your blog. Maybe someday mine will be as awesome as yours. Here’s Dobby the house-elf and Hermione J. Granger’s Guide To House-Elves.
  7. To Miriam Joy,  for writing one of the best writing blogs I know of, and writing this post, which I totally love. Here’s the biggest library in the world, with lots of books/CDs/whatever you want.
  8. To WordPress, for letting me have a blog in the first place. Here’s a rating of WordPress: Amazing!
  9. To Chaperone2, for co-hosting Brains! with me and lending me your Maximum Ride books. Here’s a zoo.
  10. To Jeyna Grace, for writing awesome fanfictions, etc.  about the Hunger Games and Harry Potter. Here’s J.K. Rowling to write more Harry Potter books for you.
  11. To Mike, for making me laugh. Here’s the most complete zebra encyclopedia ever written.
  12. To Lily, for writing about frying pans, a very under appreciated subject. Here’s a make-your-own-battle-frying-pan kit.
  13. To everybody else for reading/liking/subscribing/whatever and whoever is reading this right now. Here’s some rubber chickens and chocolate.

So thank you!

It’s been one interesting year, and the next one is sure to be just as interesting(or possibly more interesting! 😀 )

I Had A Dream (TCWT Blog Chain October)

What are you writing for NaNoWriMo? Briefly explain how this book idea come about. Then write a mock first page for the novel.

I am going to announce this right now. I am not doing NaNo. Sorry. You should know from here that I cannot write novels. (Sorry if the link ends up somewhat messed up-I am using a different method to write this.) But anyways.

I had a really great dream the other night. I don’t remember mich of i now, but it was two creatures (I was one) and we were trying to save this other creature from the wrath of the monster. We lived behind a shopping cart. I got more ideas for the short story I am currently writing from there. To think about it, I get a lot of my ideas from dreams.

Right now, the short story is entitled “The Memory Society” and here’s my blurb or whatever you call it.

Fourteen-year-old Meli lives in the futuristic world of The Society. The Society can be kind, and usually is. However, each member must go to the Society’s headquaters to do ‘something’. Nobody knows what it is, except for a few high-ranking officials. When Meli is taken to the headquarters, she is abandoned somewhere. She finds a mysterious note reading, ‘Memory distraction sucess. Get every society member before the’ and a tear leaves the rest of the note gone. Puzzled by the note, Meli escapes with the note. As she combs the streets of the Society, she realizes the Society is on the brink of civil war and destruction. Unfortunately for Meli, the Society doesn’t want her to find the truth-they want Meli dead. Here is the extraordinary story of a girl out to save her world.

Helpful critiques are welcomed on that.

Aaaanyways, that’s pretty much the basic premise of the story……so far. I may change it, as sometimes I write a short story-only to discover that it already mirrors another, published story. It was depressing when that happened the first time.

Some of the other characters in this story are Ivan, who’s going to be somebody whom I haven’t figured out yet. There’s Rosalie, Meli’s little sister. Jennalyn, Meli’s neighbor who first teaches Meli about going to the Society’s headquarters. Member0H412, aka Humpfrey, works for the Society. And the Society Leader, who is the villian, well, main villian. You’ll see there will be more than one.

I plan to publish this short story on my blog when it’s done, maybe submit it to The Trivial Typewriter.

Now you are probably wondering what, exactly happened to my mock first page. Alas, I don’t have one. (Yes! I finally used ‘alas’ in a blog post!)

Why? The trouble with beginnings is, they’re the beginning. Beginnings stress me out because it’s got to be interesting or the reader won’t want to read it! This is why I like the middle the best.

So what do you think of my blurb? And unwritten story/first page/idea/whatever?

If you want to read a great first page, why not check out the rest of the chain?

October 5th – – Lily’s Notes in the Margins

October 6th – – Reality Is Imaginary

October 7th – – One Life Story

October 8th – – Of a Writerly Sort

October 9th – – The Leaning Tower of Plot

October 10th – – This Page Intentionally Left Blank

October 11th – – What Updates?

October 12th – – Miriam Joy Writes

October 13th – – Between the Lines

October 14th – – Inside the Junk Drawer (Today!)

October 15th – – Musings From Neville’s Navel

October 16th – – Kirsten Writes!

October 17th – – A Mirror Made of Words

October 18th – – The Teenage Writer

October 19th – – Platonic Pencil

October 20th – – Mark O’Brien Writes

October 21st – – It’s All In My Head

October 22nd – – The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer

October 23rd – – Teens Can Write, Too! (We will be announcing the topic for next month’s chain)

P.S. To my usual readers-I have been taking a much-needed hiatus from blogging. But don’t worry! I’ll be back soon with more of my nerdy awesomeness! 😀

Edit: This was published a day early due to my being not sure that yesterday was the 14th or not. I hope you liked it anyways.

TCWT, Writing, And A Funny Picture


First, that was found randomly on the internet by yours truly and was laughed at, then posted onto the next post for you all to see. Even if you haven’r read Harry Potter, it’s a bit of ironic humor that can be gotten by most people.

So, you may be wondering about the title of this post, and let me tell you why.

Recently, I have been thinking about TCWT a lot, probably due to the fact that the September blog chain topic was just announced. (And no, I haven’t signed up yet, I’m still thinking about it.) Anyways, I’ve been thinking about how most of these prompts are about, um, writing.

Well, that’s to be expected, but to be honest, I am not your average TCWT’er. (Sorry to stereotype, but it’s the only way I can explain this.) The average TCWT’er is actually writing a novel. I write more comics, short stories, and blog posts. Currently, I have two short stories that I’m working on, the first one is called “Brains vs. Evil Ones: Book 1. Playing Tag with Evil Ones and Other Fun Stuff. You can access the first chapter of it here.

To really understand it, you will have to click around the site a little, but hopefully you’ll get the gist of it.

The other one is a remake of The Hunger Games, which is based off of what you saw/clicked/read at the site linked above. It’s going to be interesting.

But anyways. I just don’t get it. I seem to be cursed with the ability to think of a great idea for a story, then miserably fail at actually write it.

Example-So I was thinking about something where this girl goes into a alternate world, then have to save the world or something. Of course, then I read Coraline, and dropped the idea because they were so identically close. Sigh.

Another example-When I was younger, I wrote a five-page “journal” about this girl. It was so incredibly lame and stupid. Here’s some exerpts, so we can all laugh at it.

I am so excited! My birthday is tomorrow! I must go plan the small bits that are left! I will fill you in on my party tomorrow, dear Journal. By the way, Brenda’s horrible cold has gone so we will be having my party at the park.

Tomorrow Grandpapa arrives from Mankatoe, a city not far from here. Grandpapa will be oh so proud because Brenda just lost her first tooth. Aunt Henna will be escorting Grandpapa to our home, because he is old and frail and we do not want him to die on his way here.

So, now that you know what sort of a young writer I was, we can dig on this deeper.

I just don’t get it.

My brain is creative.

My brain is working.

I like to write.

I like to write fiction/science fiction stories.

So why can’t I write a novel? I think I just don’t have enough stamina. I write for ages, and ages, then I’m on Chapter…..2. And I still have who knows how many chapters left to write?

For this reason alone, I have a lot of respect for authors whose books are really big, because, just think if what they went through for just that one book. I mean, I could never, ever, do that, never in a million years.

Also, I think another one of the reasons is that a lot of the ideas I think of are pretty much cheap copies of another book. Like, for instance, I wanted to write lots of books about wizardry after I finished the Harry Potter series. Or creepy dystopian novels after I finished the Hunger Games.

*shrugs* Oh, well. At least this blog I am able to rant to all of you about why I will never write a book over 200 pages long, why I have a creative mind, and why fate keeps getting in the way of all the other stuff.

This has been a semi-literate post about my novel-writing.


Edit: Because the picture is apparently being irritating and not showing up, click here to see it.

You know l have quirks, but did you know about these ones?

First of all, Happy Easter!

Now, this post is for the TCWT blog chain. Yeah.

What are some of your writing quirks?

Mainly, l’ve got three.

1. Installments. I really don’t like writing on paper, so if I come up with a great idea, l write it down on a “note ” on my iPod touch. And just keep doing that. And doing it. And doing it. And you get the picture.

2. Reminders. Going off what I just said, sometimes I can’t write it instantly. I find a sticky note and stick it somewhere obvious. Then, when l am ready l can write it down. I told this to Allegra a while ago, when a post of hers was about it. But…….sticky notes are fun too!

3. l have no clue if this counts, but when lm typing, l get distracted. very easily!!Believe me its not a good thing!(As in, I go off to pet my dog)


I hope you like the original TCWT. blog chain picture I created! (l can make one for you too!! Leave me a comment under the page Blog Tags ) It was fun to make too!

Why not support the rest of our awesome bloggers?

April 5––Comfy Sweaters, Writing, and Fish

April 6– — The Leaning Tower of Plot

April 7––Lily’s Notes in the Margins

April 8–– From My Head

April 9––This Page Intentionally Left Blank

April 10––The Word Asylum

April 11––Rachel’s Book Reviews

April 12––Novel Journeys

April 13––A Farewell to Sanity

April 14––Sword of Ink

April 15––The Dreamers Adventures

April 16––The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer

April 17––Here’s To Us

April 18––Teens Can Write Too! (We will be announcing the topic for next month’s chain)