How Strange You Bear A Resemblance To This Character In My Story…

















“How have both the people in your life and your own personal experiences impacted your writing? Do you ever base characters off of people you know?”

Heck yes.

I sometimes even write stories about them. For example, last year in Creative Writing Class (awesome, right?) I wrote a pathetic story about Justin Bieber and his minions kidnapping my teacher and making her work for them in their drug dealership. (Don’t even try to argue, it stinks, which is why I recycled it.)

I also have another story I really like about me and shonti where we assume our false aliases and wreak havoc. It’s quite a good story, and very fun to write, too.

And there are a few others where I write about my family (there’s one about my mom the giraffe who hates mush and opens a cooking restaurant for example) that are really fun to write because usually I can poke fun at them and they don’t mind because I’m kidding. That’s what I did for Christmas presents last year. They were fabulous.

Not many personal experiences of mine have found a way into my stories, mostly because my brain comes up with much better things, like for example, “once upon a time there was a duct tape man and he was evil because he crept into people’s homes and tied them up with duct tape” and yes, I came up with that on the spot.

Wow, this prompt is actually really hard, John. I don’t mind much though because it’s making me think and that’s probably a good thing over summer break.

Sometimes when I write, I mix a bunch of people I know together and get an entirely new person, which is a lot of fun and I really like doing that. Plus, they don’t know you’re writing about them (which is sometimes a good thing.) (And sometimes a bad thing.) Obviously, you’d tell them if you wanted them to know though.

Sometimes I even use people I know’s names. This is usually because I really like their names, although sometimes it’s not. *cue evil laughter* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Not many experiences (because usually I want to go where my characters go, although not in the case of Fluffy the Frog. By the way, his life stank. I kind of killed off his wife and family, but it’s okay because he got Lord Voldemort to reincarnate her.)

But lots of people, I guess that’s the way I like it.

Now go forth and read the other participant’s posts.

5th –

6th –

7th –

8th –

9th –

10th –

11th –

12th –

13th –

14th –

15th –

16th –

17th –

18th –

19th –

20th –

21st –

22nd –

23rd –

24th –

25th –

26th – (We’ll be announcing the topic for next month’s chain.)