I Am Inspiring!

Yesterday, nevillegirl presented me with a new blog award I haven’t seen before, the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

So thank you, nevillegirl.


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Boom. Done.
  2. Place the award on your site. Boom. Done again.
  3. Share 7 random things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 blogs. Let them know they’ve been nominated and how to accept the award.


Now for seven random things about me……..

  1. My mom has a basket that you put on a step, and part of it goes on one step, and the rest of it goes on a lower step, and I love it because it’s so cool.
  2. I keep meaning to make little ghosts to hang in the big tree for Halloween, but I never got around to doing it.
  3. I wore a great red cape today, and I wanted to make it into my Halloween costume, but I couldn’t think of anything mind-blowing. (Any ideas?)
  4. I had some of that Japanese soda where you open it and there’s a marble inside, but it won’t come out (the marble) and it was HEAVENLY CARBONATED FIZZ.
  5. I’ve been in a Christmassy mood lately.
  6. I will start laughing hysterically when somebody gets a present and they have no idea what it is, and I know exactly what it is. Then the gift recipient tends to get a little freaked out by my maniac-evil-Voldemort-like laughing.
  7. I painted a birdhouse today.

Here are my nominees. I didn’t do fifteen because that’s a lot of people, and a lot of them who I want to nominate have already  been nominated.

Four more nominees! Four is a nice round number…..or is it? Can a number be round?

Happy Holidays!! And Birthdays!

My Swedish Goats!! (Technically, they're not mine, but who cares?)

So, here’s some things. Merry Christmas!!! Happy Hanukkah!! Happy Kwanzaa!!! And Happy New Year!

In spirit of Christmas, I thought I would put a poll on this post.

Oh, my sister’s birthday is tomorrow. Her birthday was good. We made stuffed dogs. They’re cute.


Happy Birthday, Sis, Mrs. Abbott, Next door neighbor and Uncle!!! (Don't worry. They're not all on the same day)














I was listening to the radio on the way to school on Friday. The host people on the radio were talking about this apparently hilarious video that was on Jimmy Kimmel Live. I don’t know if any of you watch that. I don’t. So, I thought to myself, Hmmm. That actually sounds good! So I YouTubed it.

IT’S HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I thought, well, you might like to watch it too. So, without further ado……

After watching that video, (Yes, I do want you to watch that) Your brain must be dead. I suppose I’ll stop. See you later.

Thanks for listening. tomte