Inside The Junk Drawer’s First Blogoversary! :D

Well, today is Inside The Junk Drawer’s first birthday!

Welcome to the party. We have chocolate cake, fruit punch, and vanilla ice cream.

It seems a lot of the blogs I follow/read/really like have all had blogoversaries lately. (Well, maybe not all of them. But a lot!)

I remember just setting this blog up. I wanted another blog where I could just write about anything. I thought it would be fun! I was right! 😀 I had a hard time finding a good URL, though. I finally settled on, hoping my readers could spell it. The title, subtitle, and widgets have changed over the one year that I’ve been here. I think the title has gone over seven changes. The theme changes number at least over twenty. I do enjoy playing with those themes. 🙂

Last year, I was an inexperienced blogger, and not officially a “teen” yet. You can tell I had a hard time finding stuff to blog about. Look here and here. You are free to laugh-I did. (Gosh, I was downright terrible!) You can tell that I had no idea what, how, or when, or where to blog. Hopefully, you think I’m better than I was a year ago. I remember writing that second post. It was my first official post, and I really didn’t want to watch the show, so I said to myself, “Oh, I’ll just blog instead!”

I really enjoy hitting the “Publish” button and knowing my work is out soaring through the Internet, reaching the 22 subscribers I have garnered through one year. I know that a few of those readers and subscribers will read it. They will like it. They might comment. I’ve got a goal for Inside The Junk Drawer’s second year in existence. Comment more! I know a few other bloggers have done it, Miriam Joy and nevillegirl for starters. It’s easy and makes me feel happy. So please try. If we all commented more, the blogosphere would be a happy place with lots of comments. The more, the better! 😀


Enough rambling. Here come the thank-yous, in no particular order.

  1. To wreakinghavoc14, for being my first subscriber. I hope you’re not drowning in high-school homework. Here’s a robot to do your homework for you.
  2. To Nerdygirl98, for leading me into the wonderful world of TCWT. Here is a lifetime supply of patterned duct tape for you.
  3. To Teens Can Write, Too! for teaching me that teens can write, too! And creating the blog chain, which is a monthly part of my life. Here’s a paragraph about you: TCWT is AWESOME. I love TCWT. I have no idea where in my writing life I would be without TCWT.
  4. To Allegra Davis and John Hansen, for hosting TCWT, at one point or another, and for both having awesome writerly blogs. Here’s a box of writerly awesomeness for you both.
  5. To Shonti, for being one of the few people I know in real life with to read this blog, and for co-hosting Brains! with me and putting up with my weirdness. Here’s a giant box of Hunger Games stuff for you.
  6. To nevillegirl, for making me laugh with your awesomeness/weirdness/writing. I like your blog. Maybe someday mine will be as awesome as yours. Here’s Dobby the house-elf and Hermione J. Granger’s Guide To House-Elves.
  7. To Miriam Joy,  for writing one of the best writing blogs I know of, and writing this post, which I totally love. Here’s the biggest library in the world, with lots of books/CDs/whatever you want.
  8. To WordPress, for letting me have a blog in the first place. Here’s a rating of WordPress: Amazing!
  9. To Chaperone2, for co-hosting Brains! with me and lending me your Maximum Ride books. Here’s a zoo.
  10. To Jeyna Grace, for writing awesome fanfictions, etc.  about the Hunger Games and Harry Potter. Here’s J.K. Rowling to write more Harry Potter books for you.
  11. To Mike, for making me laugh. Here’s the most complete zebra encyclopedia ever written.
  12. To Lily, for writing about frying pans, a very under appreciated subject. Here’s a make-your-own-battle-frying-pan kit.
  13. To everybody else for reading/liking/subscribing/whatever and whoever is reading this right now. Here’s some rubber chickens and chocolate.

So thank you!

It’s been one interesting year, and the next one is sure to be just as interesting(or possibly more interesting! 😀 )

I Am Inspiring!

Yesterday, nevillegirl presented me with a new blog award I haven’t seen before, the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

So thank you, nevillegirl.


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Boom. Done.
  2. Place the award on your site. Boom. Done again.
  3. Share 7 random things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 blogs. Let them know they’ve been nominated and how to accept the award.


Now for seven random things about me……..

  1. My mom has a basket that you put on a step, and part of it goes on one step, and the rest of it goes on a lower step, and I love it because it’s so cool.
  2. I keep meaning to make little ghosts to hang in the big tree for Halloween, but I never got around to doing it.
  3. I wore a great red cape today, and I wanted to make it into my Halloween costume, but I couldn’t think of anything mind-blowing. (Any ideas?)
  4. I had some of that Japanese soda where you open it and there’s a marble inside, but it won’t come out (the marble) and it was HEAVENLY CARBONATED FIZZ.
  5. I’ve been in a Christmassy mood lately.
  6. I will start laughing hysterically when somebody gets a present and they have no idea what it is, and I know exactly what it is. Then the gift recipient tends to get a little freaked out by my maniac-evil-Voldemort-like laughing.
  7. I painted a birdhouse today.

Here are my nominees. I didn’t do fifteen because that’s a lot of people, and a lot of them who I want to nominate have already  been nominated.

Four more nominees! Four is a nice round number…..or is it? Can a number be round?

I Had A Dream (TCWT Blog Chain October)

What are you writing for NaNoWriMo? Briefly explain how this book idea come about. Then write a mock first page for the novel.

I am going to announce this right now. I am not doing NaNo. Sorry. You should know from here that I cannot write novels. (Sorry if the link ends up somewhat messed up-I am using a different method to write this.) But anyways.

I had a really great dream the other night. I don’t remember mich of i now, but it was two creatures (I was one) and we were trying to save this other creature from the wrath of the monster. We lived behind a shopping cart. I got more ideas for the short story I am currently writing from there. To think about it, I get a lot of my ideas from dreams.

Right now, the short story is entitled “The Memory Society” and here’s my blurb or whatever you call it.

Fourteen-year-old Meli lives in the futuristic world of The Society. The Society can be kind, and usually is. However, each member must go to the Society’s headquaters to do ‘something’. Nobody knows what it is, except for a few high-ranking officials. When Meli is taken to the headquarters, she is abandoned somewhere. She finds a mysterious note reading, ‘Memory distraction sucess. Get every society member before the’ and a tear leaves the rest of the note gone. Puzzled by the note, Meli escapes with the note. As she combs the streets of the Society, she realizes the Society is on the brink of civil war and destruction. Unfortunately for Meli, the Society doesn’t want her to find the truth-they want Meli dead. Here is the extraordinary story of a girl out to save her world.

Helpful critiques are welcomed on that.

Aaaanyways, that’s pretty much the basic premise of the story……so far. I may change it, as sometimes I write a short story-only to discover that it already mirrors another, published story. It was depressing when that happened the first time.

Some of the other characters in this story are Ivan, who’s going to be somebody whom I haven’t figured out yet. There’s Rosalie, Meli’s little sister. Jennalyn, Meli’s neighbor who first teaches Meli about going to the Society’s headquarters. Member0H412, aka Humpfrey, works for the Society. And the Society Leader, who is the villian, well, main villian. You’ll see there will be more than one.

I plan to publish this short story on my blog when it’s done, maybe submit it to The Trivial Typewriter.

Now you are probably wondering what, exactly happened to my mock first page. Alas, I don’t have one. (Yes! I finally used ‘alas’ in a blog post!)

Why? The trouble with beginnings is, they’re the beginning. Beginnings stress me out because it’s got to be interesting or the reader won’t want to read it! This is why I like the middle the best.

So what do you think of my blurb? And unwritten story/first page/idea/whatever?

If you want to read a great first page, why not check out the rest of the chain?

October 5th – – Lily’s Notes in the Margins

October 6th – – Reality Is Imaginary

October 7th – – One Life Story

October 8th – – Of a Writerly Sort

October 9th – – The Leaning Tower of Plot

October 10th – – This Page Intentionally Left Blank

October 11th – – What Updates?

October 12th – – Miriam Joy Writes

October 13th – – Between the Lines

October 14th – – Inside the Junk Drawer (Today!)

October 15th – – Musings From Neville’s Navel

October 16th – – Kirsten Writes!

October 17th – – A Mirror Made of Words

October 18th – – The Teenage Writer

October 19th – – Platonic Pencil

October 20th – – Mark O’Brien Writes

October 21st – – It’s All In My Head

October 22nd – – The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer

October 23rd – – Teens Can Write, Too! (We will be announcing the topic for next month’s chain)

P.S. To my usual readers-I have been taking a much-needed hiatus from blogging. But don’t worry! I’ll be back soon with more of my nerdy awesomeness! 😀

Edit: This was published a day early due to my being not sure that yesterday was the 14th or not. I hope you liked it anyways.