Me, Myself And I

Hello. I’m Tomte. I have red (well, kind of red. Lately, it’s been turning darker so it’s like auburn now) hair, lots of freckles, blue eyes, glasses, peachy skin, various cuts from paper or sticks or whatever, and a small nose, according to my eye doctor.

Here is a list of things about me.

  1. I hate tomatoes.
  2. My favorite sandwich is a turkey and lettuce on a wheat thin or whatever they’re called.
  3. I own a fish. His name is Edward, (optional title: Prince of Whales (get it?))
  4. I have not slept in my bedroom since March 2012.
  5. Some songs that I like are: One More Night by Maroon 5,
  6. Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by Pink
  7. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
  8. Paradise by Coldplay
  9. My army green Converses have doodles and writing all over them, and beads on the laces.
  10. I love love love rabbits
  11. I am saving up for a rabbit
  12. I don’t like blueberries
  13. I am teaching myself how to crochet, but I lost the hook
  14. I love the series:
  15. Maximum Ride
  16. Harry Potter
  17. Hunger Games
  18. Every year for my school’s talent show, my friends and I put on a puppet show.
  19. I love Pillow Pets and Wobble Pets.
  20. I love My Little Pony
  21. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese.
  22. My favorite caffeninated drink is Dr Pepper.
  23. My favorite regular drink is A&W root beer or strawberry milk.
  24. I really enjoy blogging
  25. One day, I am going to do something evil to someone-and I’m going to love it! (Don’t worry, it probably won’t be you.)
  26. I live in Minnesota and I love the Packers and that’s the only team that I will ever love, ever. So don’t diss them!
  27. I am a chatterbox, if you haven’t noticed yet.
  28. I like soft things.
  29. Diehard Harry Potter fan. Sometimes, I spend Saturday morning watching whatever I can scrounge up on YouTube.
  30. I like TCWT.
  31. YouTube was a great invention.
  32. So was Google.
  33. I play the violin.
  34. I know how to play the cello, but I don’t own one and I’m not very good at it, but I still know how to play it! (Well, sort of.)
  35. I always wear my hair in a high ponytail (it’s just the right length) with a brightly colored headband to school, and on most non-school days, too.
  36. I share a birthday with John Quincy Adams(president of the U.S.) and John Henson(The one guy in Wipeout),
  37. Alice Paul (women voting lady), was born on my half-birthday.
  38. I like ketchup sandwiches

12 thoughts on “Me, Myself And I

  1. You live in Minnesota and you like the Packers? That is just too awesome. You totally made my day. 🙂
    Go Pac Go!!!!

    • Ohmygoodness YES YES YES!!!! I looooove the Packers!!! Actually, they come on in four minutes, ha. Hoping they make it to the S.B. again!!! And I’m really glad it made your day!!! Are you a Packer fan, too???

      • Yes, I am a Packer fan, and what a disappointing game that was on Sunday. My dad (who went to the game) was very depressed when he got home. 😉

        • That’s really cool!!! 😀
          My uncle went to that game, too. We called him after and shared our sympathies. Except for my sister, who is unfortunately a Viking fan (ew).

  2. The way you have written you about yourself is really awesome. Reading it, I realized we have many things that we like in common. For starters; Fish and Harry Potter.

    Would like to read more of what you write 🙂

So whaddya think?