Inside The Junk Drawer’s First Blogoversary! :D

Well, today is Inside The Junk Drawer’s first birthday!

Welcome to the party. We have chocolate cake, fruit punch, and vanilla ice cream.

It seems a lot of the blogs I follow/read/really like have all had blogoversaries lately. (Well, maybe not all of them. But a lot!)

I remember just setting this blog up. I wanted another blog where I could just write about anything. I thought it would be fun! I was right! 😀 I had a hard time finding a good URL, though. I finally settled on, hoping my readers could spell it. The title, subtitle, and widgets have changed over the one year that I’ve been here. I think the title has gone over seven changes. The theme changes number at least over twenty. I do enjoy playing with those themes. 🙂

Last year, I was an inexperienced blogger, and not officially a “teen” yet. You can tell I had a hard time finding stuff to blog about. Look here and here. You are free to laugh-I did. (Gosh, I was downright terrible!) You can tell that I had no idea what, how, or when, or where to blog. Hopefully, you think I’m better than I was a year ago. I remember writing that second post. It was my first official post, and I really didn’t want to watch the show, so I said to myself, “Oh, I’ll just blog instead!”

I really enjoy hitting the “Publish” button and knowing my work is out soaring through the Internet, reaching the 22 subscribers I have garnered through one year. I know that a few of those readers and subscribers will read it. They will like it. They might comment. I’ve got a goal for Inside The Junk Drawer’s second year in existence. Comment more! I know a few other bloggers have done it, Miriam Joy and nevillegirl for starters. It’s easy and makes me feel happy. So please try. If we all commented more, the blogosphere would be a happy place with lots of comments. The more, the better! 😀


Enough rambling. Here come the thank-yous, in no particular order.

  1. To wreakinghavoc14, for being my first subscriber. I hope you’re not drowning in high-school homework. Here’s a robot to do your homework for you.
  2. To Nerdygirl98, for leading me into the wonderful world of TCWT. Here is a lifetime supply of patterned duct tape for you.
  3. To Teens Can Write, Too! for teaching me that teens can write, too! And creating the blog chain, which is a monthly part of my life. Here’s a paragraph about you: TCWT is AWESOME. I love TCWT. I have no idea where in my writing life I would be without TCWT.
  4. To Allegra Davis and John Hansen, for hosting TCWT, at one point or another, and for both having awesome writerly blogs. Here’s a box of writerly awesomeness for you both.
  5. To Shonti, for being one of the few people I know in real life with to read this blog, and for co-hosting Brains! with me and putting up with my weirdness. Here’s a giant box of Hunger Games stuff for you.
  6. To nevillegirl, for making me laugh with your awesomeness/weirdness/writing. I like your blog. Maybe someday mine will be as awesome as yours. Here’s Dobby the house-elf and Hermione J. Granger’s Guide To House-Elves.
  7. To Miriam Joy,  for writing one of the best writing blogs I know of, and writing this post, which I totally love. Here’s the biggest library in the world, with lots of books/CDs/whatever you want.
  8. To WordPress, for letting me have a blog in the first place. Here’s a rating of WordPress: Amazing!
  9. To Chaperone2, for co-hosting Brains! with me and lending me your Maximum Ride books. Here’s a zoo.
  10. To Jeyna Grace, for writing awesome fanfictions, etc.  about the Hunger Games and Harry Potter. Here’s J.K. Rowling to write more Harry Potter books for you.
  11. To Mike, for making me laugh. Here’s the most complete zebra encyclopedia ever written.
  12. To Lily, for writing about frying pans, a very under appreciated subject. Here’s a make-your-own-battle-frying-pan kit.
  13. To everybody else for reading/liking/subscribing/whatever and whoever is reading this right now. Here’s some rubber chickens and chocolate.

So thank you!

It’s been one interesting year, and the next one is sure to be just as interesting(or possibly more interesting! 😀 )

I Feel Loved Today

Yesterday, I was graced with a blog award, The Fantastic Blog Award, to be exact.


Anyway, the rules seem to have been lost somewhere in the blogosphere, but from Shonti’s blog, whom I received this lovely award from, you answer the questions, write some questions, and post your nominees.

So, here are the questions from Shonti:

1. If you can be any animal what would it be? I would so be a dolphin.

2. If you were in the ultimate game of hide and seek and you could hide anywhere in the USA where would it be? Why? (and before you ask how the seeker would find you, you would have a tracking device strapped onto you)In the crowds of DisneyWorld. This is because even with a tracking device, those crowds are HUGE. So it would be quite hard to find me. I think it’s unfair to give the seeker a tracker, though. They ought to give the hiders a tracker instead because then they could know where the tracker was. If we did play it that way, though, I would so not want to play if I was the seeker.

3. If you could pick one person to spend the whole day with, who would it be? What would you do? Hmm…………because a lot of the people I know would drive me crazy if I was forced had to spend a day with them. I’ll guess I could say my old teacher, Mrs. Abbott, because instead of driving me crazy, I’d drive her crazy 😀

4. You are being forced to marry a fictional character, who would it be? WHAT?!?!?! Ohhhkayyyyy…I guess . Oh, jeez, I don’t know. Probably someone from Harry Potter, because Peeta’s probably taken already. Probably the same with Gale.

5. What’s your life saying? I do not have a life saying. However, I can make one up on the spot, which is what I intend to do now. It is…. Unicorns and nerdiness are awesome! So be a nerdy unicorn! 😀 😀 😀 😀

Here are my five questions….

  1. What is the name of your bedroom door? Why does it have that name?
  2. What is the most recent WORST book that you read?
  3. Do you enjoy old-fashioned telephones? Why/why not?
  4. If you could only read one book through the whole year, which one would it be?
  5. What is the best part of your blog/your favorite widget?

Now for the nominees.

Allegra at All I Need Is A Keyboard!

Kirsten at Kirsten Writes!


Lily at Lily’s Notes In The Margins!


So basically, this is a simple, easy-peasy contest with blogging involved. And since most of you like to blog, you can enter.

Here’s what happens.

  1. I give you a topic.
  2. You write a blog post of 200-700 words(a little more or less is okay)
  3. You send your post to:
  4. You write IJD: uPost (insert topic here) in the subject line.
  5. You put your post, your “blogging alias”, and your blog link(if you have one) in the subject line
  6. You send it. (Obviously.)
  7. I read all the entries and post the winning entry with a link for the winning blogger.
  8. Please do not publish your entry post until one day after the deadline. You can advertise this contest though 🙂

Easy, huh?

This first topic is:………


Anything related to fall, however you define it, can be entered. So if you enter a poem about the colors of fall, that works. A short story that takes place in fall is okay. (However, a) You cannot use either of these as entries and b) If you briefly mention fall, be sure to make it clear that fall is in the post entry.)

The deadline for this uPost is September 17th. And the winning post will be published on September 19th. The next uPost topic will be announced on September 19th at the end of the winning post entry.

If you have questions, let me know in the comments!


Spring brings housecleaning!!! And to do that, I’ve decided that this blog needs a new name. But, I have tried fruitlessly to think of a name, and it’s just not happening. So, I need suggestions from you all. So, if you have any ideas, leave a comment below.

Also, I’ve decided that Wednesday will be forever know as Wacky Question Wednesday. Basically, in English, that means that every Wednesday I will have a wacky question posted. (Hint: If you subscribe, you’ll instantly be able to reply to the question as soon as it’s published!) That will start THIS Wednesday. So stay tuned! I have got an absolutlely brilliant question to kick it off ( if I do say so myself)

And April TCWT blog. chain is just around the corner. Naturally, I have signed up, so do that if you haven’t already.