Random stuff

Yippee!!!!! Today is my church’s craft fair!!!!!

Wow. That was WEIRD. I wrote Yipppppeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! and the spell checker underlined it, ya know? And one of the suggestions it came up with was speech writer. Weird.

How many of you are Dancing with the Stars fans?????????? The remote is sitting next to me and I am tempted to watch the one I missed.

My dad’s friend is here! he says hi

I adopted a penguin!!! His name is turnip and he has 2 dreams: to fly and to be a rock star. I made the latter come true. He sang in front of all my other stuffed animals.

Who needs something fun to do with their dog???? I have something, take a paper compost bag and cut off the top. Then stick it on your head, you may have to hold it on, and make angry noises at your dog. This is very entertaining!!!!! I took a video of this while my mom and dad were doing this, it is hysterical and even more so because my laughing is SOOO weird I laugh every time. Worth a try, definitely.