I Feel Loved Today

Yesterday, I was graced with a blog award, The Fantastic Blog Award, to be exact.


Anyway, the rules seem to have been lost somewhere in the blogosphere, but from Shonti’s blog, whom I received this lovely award from, you answer the questions, write some questions, and post your nominees.

So, here are the questions from Shonti:

1. If you can be any animal what would it be? I would so be a dolphin.

2. If you were in the ultimate game of hide and seek and you could hide anywhere in the USA where would it be? Why? (and before you ask how the seeker would find you, you would have a tracking device strapped onto you)In the crowds of DisneyWorld. This is because even with a tracking device, those crowds are HUGE. So it would be quite hard to find me. I think it’s unfair to give the seeker a tracker, though. They ought to give the hiders a tracker instead because then they could know where the tracker was. If we did play it that way, though, I would so not want to play if I was the seeker.

3. If you could pick one person to spend the whole day with, who would it be? What would you do? Hmm…………because a lot of the people I know would drive me crazy if I was forced had to spend a day with them. I’ll guess I could say my old teacher, Mrs. Abbott, because instead of driving me crazy, I’d drive her crazy πŸ˜€

4. You are being forced to marry a fictional character, who would it be? WHAT?!?!?! Ohhhkayyyyy…I guess . Oh, jeez, I don’t know. Probably someone from Harry Potter, because Peeta’s probably taken already. Probably the same with Gale.

5. What’s your life saying? I do not have a life saying. However, I can make one up on the spot, which is what I intend to do now. It is…. Unicorns and nerdiness are awesome! So be a nerdy unicorn! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Here are my five questions….

  1. What is the name of your bedroom door? Why does it have that name?
  2. What is the most recent WORST book that you read?
  3. Do you enjoy old-fashioned telephones? Why/why not?
  4. If you could only read one book through the whole year, which one would it be?
  5. What is the best part of your blog/your favorite widget?

Now for the nominees.

Allegra at All I Need Is A Keyboard!

Kirsten at Kirsten Writes!


Lily at Lily’s Notes In The Margins!

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